January 18, 2017
NAMM 2017 | Part1
Written by Nick Mitchell
NAMM 2017 | Part 1
NAMM 2017 Part 2: HERE
Solid-State-Logic | Sigma Delta V2.1
New from SSL is the updated Sigma Delta Plug-in software. The new 16-fader Sigma Delta16 plug-in now brings compatibility to Logic users and has an alternative view to single fader plug-in usage. Pans, Solo, Cut, Mono and mix-buss assignments can also be controlled via this new update.
Maag | MAGNUM-K Compressor/EQ
New from Cliff Maag is the Maag MAGNUM-K rack featuring two compressor sections and Parallel EQ2 within one design. There is a Magnum Compressor and a K-Compressor a parallel EQ featuring their famous AIR BAND and a Soft Limit. There is a SideChain and all Stepped controls for easy recall. Being a departure from their already established and great sounding EQ and Mic Pre, we're intrigued to hear this new compressor in action! Price TBC

Barefoot Sound | Footprint01
New from Barefoot Sound is a powered active 3-way nearfield monitor called the Footprint01 designed for those working in smaller spaces, but still require that Barefoot character on a smaller budget.
AKAI | MPC X and MPC Live
New from AKAI Professional is their flagship desktop production tool the Akai MPC X. Featuring MPC 2.0 Software with multi-touch screen control above the familiar 16 Pads, 16GB of internal storage, two USB slots that can be used for connecting external Midi controllers, 16 touch sensitive assignable pots and high-resolution OLED displays.

Meris | Ottobit Jr & Mercury 7
New from LA Based Meris are two pedals based upon their 500-series designs: the Bitcrusher Ottobit Jr and the Mercury 7 Reverb. The Ottobit Jr has stutter effects, a sequencer module, low pass filter and tap tempo, all controlled via MIDI or an expression pedal and has guitar, synth and line level switchable inputs. UK Price TBC

McDSP | EC-300 Echo Collection
New from McDSP is the EC-300 Echo Collection bringing three delay types: Magnetic, Digital and Analog with addition character modes, wow and flutter, in-loop filtering and saturation. Includes over 75 Synthetic Impulse Responses and will be available in AAX DSP/AAX Native, AU and VST. Coming soon Price £TBC

Tc Electronic | VSS3 Native Reverb
Not such a new Plug-in, but an old favourite from the TDM and Powercore days, the Tc Electronic VSS3 has now been ported over to Native AAX, AU and VST format. Originally taken from the System 6000, where it has been used in countless Films, Music and featuring within many Post Production suites. This was also popular with many original TDM/Tc Powercore users, and it's good to see (and hear) it back! ...I wonder if this means we're going to see soon the MD3 mastering and DVR2 Digital Reverb that was also available for those previously discontinued platforms? Price $199 ex-vat
Slate Digital| The Virtual Recording Studio
Slate Digital have released The Virtual Recording Studio which they feel provides the best way of recording with their already successful Plug-ins but using a new Thunderbolt-equipped Audio Interface and Modelling Microphone the larger ML-1 and small ML-2. Based on the New VRS-8 Virtual Analog Interface alongside their Software, they feel this is a perfect 'ecosystem' with the sum of the parts creating a new recording environment. UK Price TBC - Due 2nd Quarter of 2017