March 03, 2015
Roger Schult W2395c 500 Series EQ Review
Written by Nick Mitchell
Roger Schult is a German designer who specialises in creating high grade quality Mastering EQ's, Filters and M/S Matrix modules. Whilst building a reputation with his mastering focused rack units, he has also designed a variety of 500-series modules, one of which is the Roger Schult W2395c 500 Series EQ.
At first glance it suggests a filter unit ( I'm not too sure about the name being instantly memorable ) but, on closer inspection, it's a 3 Band EQ with two fixed HF at 5k and 2k and two fixed LF at 80Hz and 110Hz. As well as having a bypass for these choices they have 12db shelving faders which are easy to access and sculpt the sound quickly, leaving the main faceplate of the 500-series unit for the mid range controls.
The mid range has continuously variable frequencies from 155Hz to 3.5 kHz with a 10db level control with a variety of Q controls on switches being narrow, broad and medium.
How does it sound ?
In use I found the high frequency and low frequency choices were a good balance to 'air' and other favourite contemporary used EQ frequencies, back to an era when 'Sub frequencies' weren't coveted. That's not to say this EQ isn't useful in the modern recording and mixing environment, far from it actually! I found the mid range to create a 'grab' and detail that was missing from other EQ's and this in conjunction with the HF, gave a more musical shape to the sound rather than a microscopic approach.
I managed to get close to the 5k and 110Hz by using a Universal Audio 6176 at 4.5k and 100Hz, but the midrange on the RS W2395c combined with these choices proved to be a winner.
Retro EQ?
'Retro' also doesn't always mean lo-fi, and lack of headroom - as Roger Schult has proven in previous designs, and no more clearly than here. With more than a nod to Neumann and Siemens Mastering EQ's from yesteryear, this is one EQ module that if you want something a little out of the ordinary, want excellent sonic quality and don't wish to break the bank, the Roger Schult W2395c EQ may be the perfect 'retro' fit.

Roger Schult w2395c EQ