The Buchla 210e is an 8-input signal routing and mixing module that allows you route any of the eight signal inputs to any of the five signal outputs, think of it as a pin matrix made up of LED’s....Synthi A style!
The 210e has two separate sections for handing routing of the audio and CV signals; the top section handles the audio on TiniJax connections and the bottom section handles distribution of CV signals on Banana connections.
Selecting the input and its destination couldn’t be simpler, the blue output button scans through the five available outputs, the green input controls which of the eight inputs is being controlled, after selecting your input you can solo it, so no other active inputs are being monitored and you can also increase its amplitude.
These controls are exactly replicated on the CV side, but you can’t solo an input, otherwise the workflow is identical.
If you route two inputs to the same output, then the average of the combined signal is produced at the output, which on the CV side of the module is particular useful for creating interesting summed voltages and complex functions.
Couple this incredibly complex routing architecture with the ability to store and recall your routings as presets using a preset manager; you’ve got a seriously configurable and incredibly versatile tool in your system.
The main features of the Buchla 210e Control and Signal Router include
CV and Audio routing tool
LED pin matrix for visual feedback of your patching
Separate sections for CV and audio
200E preset storage compatible