an essential add-on for the Music Easel, it allows you to use both the iProgram Card and the Easel AUX Card Simultaneously further expanding the sonic capabilities of this already VERY capable synthesizer.
The Buchla Music Easel Card Doubler is a simple, yet incredibly useful device that allows Easel users to connect both the iProgram card and an Easel Aux Card at the same time to the same expansion port.
A vital tool for anyone who wants to gain the extra modulation tools from the AUX Card but simply can't forgo the flexibility the iProgram card allows for. The card doubler simply slots into the expansion port of your Easel system and provides two slows for expansion. That's it.
An absolute must for any serious Easel owner.
The main features of the Buchla Music Easel Card Doubler include
Expansion card doubler
Allows you to connect both the iProgram card and Aux Card at the same time
Simply connects to the expansion input of your Music Easel