Single-channel true Class A equaliser for 500 Series format with real inductors and a C.A.P.S. sweep midrange control designed by Steve Dove., Before modern semiconductor technology, audio filters and equalizers were made with passive components - capacitors and wound coils of wire that formed inductors (or chokes).
At a glance
- API 500VPR Series rack module format - plug in and play
- Real choke based EQ offering superior sonics
- Advanced analogue technology - not a clone or copy of products from the past
- Fully discrete hi-bias wide bandwidth differential Class A amplifier
- High performance Lundahl output transformer
The Buzz Audio Tonic is a single-channel true Class A equaliser for 500 Series format with real inductors and a C.A.P.S. sweep midrange control designed by Steve Dove.
The Buzz Audio Tonic is powered by Buzz’s Class A BE41 amplifiers and a BE50 buffer feeding a Lundahl output transformer, to produce a large and open sound with a hint of transformer colouration. With +26 dB of headroom, the Tonic never chokes even with a hefty boost in the low frequencies.
For the high and low bands, the Tonic uses real inductors (chokes), while the sweepable mid-band consists of an active filter based on the Constant Amplitude Phase Shift circuit proposed by Steve Dove in 1981. Using both old passive and modern active circuits provides the best of both worlds. As well as the versatility of the sweep mid-band, the chokes in the bass and treble provide a smooth sound of real resonance.
With the Tonic, you can apply broad eq moves across the audio frequency spectrum. With the adjustable mid-band, vocals recordings can be tamed or enhanced, and the passive 18dB/oct high pass filter can remove unwanted low-frequency content. In your 500 series rack, the Tonic pairs superbly with the Elixir mic pre and the Essence compressor to create the ultimate Buzz Audio channel strip!