At a glance
- 70 semitone surface pitch range
- Standalone instrument capabilities
- Integrate into your modular synth workflow with CV controllers
- Robust bi-directional implementation of MPE+
- Control external synths or play via external Midi controllers
- Optional expandable DSP
- Analogue and digital audio outputs
The Haken Audio Slim70 Continuum Fingerboard is an incredibly versatile digital synthesiser powered by the powerful Eaganmatrix sound engine and designed to offer the player a great range of playing options.
The Haken Audio Slim70 Continuum Fingerboard covers almost 6 octaves and offers an unprecedented level of expression and real-time control over the performance. Using an advanced magnetic sensor playing surface, it delivers three-dimensional controls for each finger allowing independent controls of the XYZ axes up to 16 simultaneous fingers. The top fabric ensures a nice smooth feel
The Slim70 Continuum Fingerboard includes six DSP chips. The Haken Audio Slim70 Continuum Fingerboard works in partnership with the Eaganmatrix software designed by Edmund Eagan. The EaganMatrix takes the expressive possibilities of the Continuum&rsquo's playing surface to deliver a powerful instrument capable of creating complex sound modulations at the touch of the player’s fingers.
Using a mixture of Subtractive synthesis, physical modelling with modal filter banks, FM, Spectral Sets with micro analysation and Waveguide and Feedback Delay Networks the EaganMatrix is an extremely powerful sound design and sonic exploration platform. The result is perhaps the most expressive digital instrument to date.
The combination of the two provides exceptional instruments for players looking for a deeply responsive instrument. The hybrid system allows complex sound design on the EaganMatrix software that can then be stored on the Continuum Fingerboard for performances within one of the 128 presets.