Groundbreaking single-channel channel strip introduces a suite of advanced features to sound processing. Its core is an all-tube design, refined from the Monet preamp seen in the Hendyamps Mosaic, with an integrated original EQ and optical compressor added within the preamp. This innovative configuration enhances the tonal and dynamic aspects of the audio signal, offering a level of control and sonic sculpting unparalleled by conventional equipment.
At a glance
- All-tube design for rich, warm tonal qualities
- Integrated original EQ and optical compressor within the preamp for seamless tone shaping and dynamic control
- Versatile gain knob to adjust from clean to saturated tones
- Trim knob for precise output level control, preventing clipping in downstream devices
- Comprehensive EQ section with LOW, MID, HIGH, and AIR adjustments for intuitive and wide-ranging sonic sculpting
- HiZ/LoZ impedance switch for altering sonic character from smooth to colored
- Advanced optical compressor with adjustable settings from subtle to aggressive, including a natural de-essing function in aggressive mode
- LED indicators for compression and output volume, providing visual feedback for fine-tuning settings
The Hendyamp Picasso is a groundbreaking single-channel channel strip with an all-tube design, refined from the Monet preamp seen in the Hendyamps Mosaic, with an integrated original EQ and optical compressor added within the preamp. This innovative configuration enhances the tonal and dynamic aspects of the audio signal, offering a level of control and sonic sculpting unparalleled by conventional equipment.
The Distinctive Sound of Picasso
Describing the Picasso's sound as nothing short of glassy sonic beauty captures its essence. Its EQ delivers a broad and harmonically rich soundscape, complemented by sufficient gain for adding a significant amount of drive as desired.
Unique Compression Indicator
An LED indicator for compression and another for output volume provide visual cues, with brightness variations indicating the compressor's mode. This feature serves as a reference, with auditory results guiding final adjustments.