The Northern Light Modular Animated Tricillator Model 2AT combines three sync'able Oscillators and a swarming LFO in Buchla format unit.
The Northern Light Modular animated Tricillator model 2AT brings classic VCO circuit designs employed by Roland, Sequential and others in the 1980’s to the Buchla ecosystem. It uses the latest AS3340-HYP VCO chip to create the smooth tone of the 80’s while taking care of the pitch drift associated with Classic CEM. It tracks well over all eight octaves.
Each of the three oscillators offers four different waveforms (Ramp up, Pulse, triangle) that can be combined to create more complex sounds. Each waveform’s level can be controlled via CV. Furthermore, each oscillator includes full PWM, scalable FM. A Sync option lets you sync all three oscillators with shorting bars. FM inputs are normalled to the output of the other oscillators, the order of which can be modified on the back.
The three oscillators include individual outputs for individual operations or mixed internally at the Mix Out. Clipping indicators are provided at the mix out as well as for each oscillator.
The Tricillator also includes a swarming LFO with master frequency and includes seven variations. All eight frequencies can be offset in phase or frequency relative to the master frequency. The overall frequency goes all the way down to 0Hz where it freezes the levels at the current state. Each of the LFO outputs is directly adjusted and doesn’t require attenuators. A shared pitch input is provided and includes a 4 octave offset
The Animated Tricillator comes either with Sifam or Rogan knobs.