The Studio Electronics VCA2 is a dual amplifier module designed for use with both CV and audio signals.
The Studio Electronics VCA2 is a dual amplifier module designed for use with both CV and audio signals.
VCA2 is a super clean, high fidelity amplifier module build around four op-amps. It features a wide range of patch points for mixing and amplifying signals, including two inputs per channel, a CV input per channel and dedicated audio outputs.
This module can of course be used for linear audio amplification, but more complex routing capabilities can be achived when working with CV signals, for example;
Routing an LFO into the input then adding in two other modulation signals, like a second faster LFO or an EG into the other inputs to create a moving, evolving modulation signal that's never static and always produces something new.
The main features of the Studio Electronics VCA2 Eurorack Amplifier Module include
Dual VCA circuit
Designed for audio and CV purposes
6HP wide
Requires 15mA