" a personal thing that I’m most proud of is probably the Earlybird " - Vic Keary
The 3u 19" Earlybird 4 has 4 channels of the unique Earlybird valve design which uses Class A bias Valves in a push-pull circuit.
Company founder and chief designer Vic Keary believes that this is one of the finest pre-amplifiers available today, and despite their use for distortion in poweramps, he feels valves have better distortion and lower noise than solid state amps.
Due to specially designed Sowter transformers the Earlybird 4 boasts well under .01% distortion, as Vic explains "it's like connecting a pair of wires with gain to your mic, it's so clean!"
It has a very high output level of +32dB and if desired, 2nd order harmonics can be introduced by increasing mic gain and reducing output gain.
The unit has switched gain controls with a maximum of 62dB of mic gain and a variable output along with pads, phase and stepped filter. A pair of meters can be switched between 1 & 2 and 3 & 4.
Thermionic Culture Earlybird 4 Features:
- Switchable input impedance to help in matching the unit with different microphones.
- Switchable 48V phantom power .
- Switched gain 42 dB to 62 dB, 20dB pad.
- 2 position high pass filter.
- Variable output trim with phase inverter.
- Vu meters switchable between channels.
- Peak overload indicators.
- Hand Made in UK.