The UAFX Starlight Echo Station is a stereo delay pedal offering three delay modes, true and buffered bypass, presets and tap tempo modes.
The UAFX Starlight Echo Station has been developed by the acclaimed team at Universal Audio and offers a powerful dual-processor design to recreate some of the most authentic analogue, tape and digital delays available.
Right out of the box, the Starlight Echo Station offers three different modes covering some of the most coveted delay sounds:
Tape EP-III: is the recreation of three tape echo machines and includes settings to control tape age and preamp colour.
Analog DMM: This mode recreates the famous sound of vintage bucket brigade delays. It includes enveloping modulation modes and subdivisions.
Precision: This the cleanest mode which offers endless delay trails and includes an optional modulation based on the UAD plug-in library.
A fourth effect is also available upon registration. Indeed once registered, users will receive an emulation of the quirky yet powerful Cooper Time Cube delay.