The Verbos Electronics Voltage Multistage is a sophisticated control voltage source which can replicate the functions of many different modules.
The Verbos Electronics Voltage Multistage is a sophisticated control voltage source which can replicate the functions of many different modules.
The Voltage multistage is essentially a control voltage source that changes its state over time, just like an EG does. But unlike simple envelope generators, multistage can replicate LFOs, AR, AD, ADSR, multistage envelopes, tracking generators, quantizers and of course sequencers.
As a sequencer, the multistage has adjustable gates and slides per step. As a multistage envelope any stage within the envelopes shape can be the sustain point.
Two CV outputs are provided for both CV sources, with a single gate output for both modules.
Probably the most flexible utility module available, the voltage multistage is capable of operating as almost any CV based control module.
The main features of the Verbos Electronics Voltage Multistage CV Source include
Multi stage CV source
Can operate as a LFO, EG or even a sequencer
Two lanes of CV with dedicated CV outputs
30Hp wide
Requires 70mA