The Ferrofish A32 Pro is a 32-in 32-out MADI and ADAT AD/DA converter designed to provide high-quality conversion at an affordable price.
The Ferrofish A32 Pro features a complete redesign of the Analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue conversion using the latest ESS converters, and many other useful features such as remote control via MIDI, as well as latency-free daisy-chaining of several units together. Thanks to the MADI protocol, up to 64 channels can be transferred via a simple pair of glass fibre cables up to 2 kilometres.
The Ferrofish also offers ADAT integration with four ADAT ports to use all 64 channels if MADI is not a suitable option. One of the ADAT connectors can also be used as optical S/PDIF or ADAT/EBU and has its own sample rate converter inside to remedy situations where it cannot sync to an external clock.
The analogue section is supported by a powerful analogue amplifier circuit which lets you set the standard levels +4dBu, +13dBu and +20dBu in the analogue domain before reaching the converter, ensuring optimum performance.
The Ferrofish also uses a new visual control concept which not only provides precise level meters of all 64 analogue channels but also adjusts everything you need. An extensive user interface is also included as well as an on-screen manual. A SHARC DSP chip is also included to take care of the digital audio and uses an 80-bit wide accumulator to ensure that not a bit gets lost.