The Moog Subsequent 37 is a 37-note paraphonic Analogue Synthesizer and is the upgraded version of the highly successful Sub 37 Tribute Edition. laden with a whole new array of upgrades taken from the limited edition Subsequent 37 CV.
A thoroughbred Moog through and through, the Subsequent 37 plays and sounds exactly as you'd expect a Moog to sound: powerful, rich and deep low end with complex shimmering harmonics, with very deep modulation capabilites. Equipped with a multi-mode transistor ladder filter, two variable waveform VCO's, a killer step sequencer and some really unique modulation capabilities.
The orginal Sub37 proved to be one of the most popular synthesizers crafted for modern times, thanks to a very well equipped set of synthesis tools, a fair price-tag and an (more importantly) incredible sound. In the interest of constant improvement, Moog set to perfect the Sub37, that's where the subsequent comes in. Equipped with all of the upgrades found on the Subsequent 37CV, they include:
So if you were a fan of the sub37, you'll adore the sound of the subsequent37. With more headroom, overdrive and power, its the Sub you've always wanted.
The main features of The Moog Subsequent 37 include