The Studio Electronics Attenulag is a dual attenuator and lag generator module.
The Studio Electronics Attenulag is a dual attenuator and lag generator module.
Attenulag provides two identical channels for processing CV and audio signals, each channel includes;
- Attenuator for amplifying or attenuating CV or audio.
- Lag time for generating slewed, delayed signals based upon the input CV, it also serves as a handy 1-3 CV multiplier.
A handy utility module that is well suited to working with multiple oscillators, envelopes and filters. It might not seem obvious at first, but attenulag is the kind of module no system should be without.
The main features of the Studio Electronics Attenulag Eurorack Attenuator Module include
Dual attenuator and lag generator
Handy 1-3 multiplier
Switchable circuitry for quick changes
10HP wide
Requires 80mA