Gainlab Audio
Gainlab Audio Wizard Stereo Tube Saturator

Gainlab Audio Wizard Stereo Tube Saturator

2415 £2,899.00
£2,415.83 ex VAT
Gainlab Audio Lieutenant

Gainlab Audio Lieutenant

2165 £2,599.00
£2,165.83 ex VAT
KMR Exclusive
Gainlab Audio GLA-OC1 The Governor

Gainlab Audio GLA-OC1 The Governor

2249 £2,699.00 £2,749.00
£2,249.17 ex VAT
KMR Exclusive
Gainlab Audio GLA-TC1 The Dictator Limited Edition Graphite

Gainlab Audio GLA-TC1 The Dictator Limited Edition Graphite

1832 £2,199.00
£1,832.50 ex VAT
Gainlab Audio GLA-TC1 The Dictator

Gainlab Audio GLA-TC1 The Dictator

1832 £2,199.00
£1,832.50 ex VAT
Gainlab Audio GLA-TC2 The Dictator Dual Mono

Gainlab Audio GLA-TC2 The Dictator Dual Mono

1832 £2,199.00
£1,832.50 ex VAT
Gainlab Audio Empress

Gainlab Audio Empress

1874 £2,249.00
£1,874.17 ex VAT
Gainlab Audio GLA-MP1 Bishop

Gainlab Audio GLA-MP1 Bishop

1999 £2,399.00
£1,999.17 ex VAT

With a continually expanding operational team, Gainlab Audio introduced its products to the public after 2020. As a testament to their unwavering dedication, one of their notable creations, the Dictator Dual Pentode Var-u Compressor, received the esteemed "Gear of the Year 2021" award. Subsequently, the Empress 2×3 Band Tube EQ, another exceptional offering from Gainlab Audio, earned the distinguished "Gear of the Year 2022" accolade and even secured a nomination for the prestigious SOS Awards 2023 presented by the renowned Sound On Sound magazine.

Since then, Gainlab Audio devices have garnered numerous positive reviews and have become favoured tools among industry luminaries in their daily professional endeavours. The company remains committed to earning its trust and strives to bring its innovative ideas to life for their fulfilment and, more importantly, to captivate and inspire the wider audience.

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